Welcome to the VEXcode GO API Reference Site for VEX GO#

Discover everything you need to start coding with VEXcode GO using Blocks. This guide will help you navigate the site and make the most of the available resources.

API Sections#

How to Use the API Reference#

  1. Browse or Search: Use the navigation menu or search bar to locate specific or blocks.

  2. Read the Descriptions: Each API function includes a description that explains its purpose, parameters, and any important notes.

  3. Review the Examples: Visual examples of blocks will help you understand how to use them in your projects.

    Image illustrating the VEXcode GO interface with blocks for coding and navigation options for users.

  4. Experiment and Modify: Try out the example code in your projects. Modify it to fit your needs and observe the effects.

Tips for Success#

  • Start Simple: Begin with basic projects to get comfortable with VEXcode.

  • Read the API Reference: Explore the API reference to understand the available functions and their operations.

  • Practice Regularly: The more you code, the more proficient you’ll become with the platform.

Happy coding, and welcome to VEXcode GO!

Available API Sections#