
Initializing the Competition Class#

Competition Control is created by using the following constructor:

Competition(driver, autonomous)

This constructor uses two parameters:




A previously defined function called as a thread when the driver control period starts.


A previously defined function called as a thread when the autonomous control period starts.

# Define a function "driver".
def driver()
    brain.screen.print("Driver called")
# Define a function "autonomous".
def autonomous()
    brain.screen.print("Autonomous called")
# Construct a Competition Control object "competition"
# with the Competition class.
competition = Competition(driver, autonomous)

This competition object will be used in all subsequent examples throughout this API documentation when referring to Competition class methods.

Class Methods#


The is_enabled() method checks if the state of the robot is enabled or disabled.

Returns: True if the competition mode is enabled. False if it is disabled.


The is_driver_control() method checks if the state of the robot is driver control.

Returns: True if the robot is in driver control mode. False if it is not in driver control mode.


The is_autonomous() method checks if the state of the robot is autonomous.

Returns: True if the robot is in autonomous mode. False if it is not in autonomous.


The is_competition_switch() method checks if the competition switch is connected.

Returns: True if the competition switch is connected. False if it is not connected.


The is_field_control() method checks if the field control is connected.

Returns: True if the field control is connected. False if it is not connected.