Robot Specific Python#
All standard VEXcode VR commands are available for use in the VIQRC Virtual Skills - Slapshot Playground.
The motor.spin(direction)
command is used to spin a motor indefinitely.
This is a non-waiting command and allows any subsequent commands to execute without delay.
To use this command, replace motor
with the desired motor or motor group, for example: intake_motor.spin(direction)
Objects |
Description |
Spins Snapshot’s Intake to pick up Discs from the Field. |
Raises or lowers Snapshot’s Arm. |
Parameters |
Description |
direction |
The direction for the motor to move in: |
Returns: None.
def main():
# Spin the intake motor forward.
# Wait half a second.
wait(0.5, SECONDS)
# Stop spinning the intake motor group.
The motor.spin_for(direction, distance, units, wait)
command is used to spin a motor for a given amount of degrees or turns.
This is can be a non-waiting or waiting command depending on if the wait
parameter is used.
To use this command, replace motor
with the desired motor or motor group, for example: intake_motor_group.spin_for(direction, distance, units, wait)
Objects |
Description |
Spins Snapshot’s Intake to pick up Discs from the Field. |
Raises or lowers Snapshot’s Arm. |
Parameters |
Description |
direction |
The direction for the motor to move in: |
distance |
The distance for the motor to move as an integer. |
units |
The units that the motor will use: |
wait |
Optional. The wait parameter determines whether the command will block subsequent commands ( |
Returns: None.
def main():
# Spin the intake motor forward for 1 turn.
intake_motor.spin_for(FORWARD, 1, TURNS)
The motor.spin_to(angle, units, wait)
command is used to spin a motor to a given position.
This is can be a non-waiting or waiting command depending on if the wait
parameter is used.
To use this command, replace motor
with the desired motor or motor group, for example: intake_motor_group.spin_for(angle, units, wait)
Objects |
Description |
Spins Snapshot’s Intake to pick up Discs from the Field. |
Raises or lowers Snapshot’s Arm. |
Parameters |
Description |
angle |
The specific angle or number of turns that the motor will spin to. |
units |
The units that the motor will use: |
wait |
Optional. The wait parameter determines whether the command will block subsequent commands ( |
Returns: None.
def main():
# Spin the intake motor to 55 degrees.
intake_motor.spin_to_position(55, DEGREES)
The motor.stop()
command is used to stop a motor.
This is a non-waiting command and allows any subsequent commands to execute without delay.
To use this command, replace motor
with the desired motor or motor group, for example: intake_motor_group.stop()
Objects |
Description |
Spins Snapshot’s Intake to pick up Discs from the Field. |
Raises or lowers Snapshot’s Arm. |
Returns: None.
def main():
# Spin the intake motor forward.
# Wait one second.
wait(1, SECONDS)
# Stop spinning the intake motor group.
The motor.set_position(position, units)
command is used to set a motor’s encoder position to the given position value.
This is a non-waiting command and allows any subsequent commands to execute without delay.
To use this command, replace motor
with the desired motor or motor group, for example: intake_motor_group.set_position(position, units)
Objects |
Description |
Spins Snapshot’s Intake to pick up Discs from the Field. |
Raises or lowers Snapshot’s Arm. |
Parameters |
Description |
position |
The specific integer for the IQ Motor’s encoder to be set to. |
units |
The units for the motor to use: |
Returns: None.
def main():
# Set the current motor position to 90 degrees.
intake_motor.set_position(90, DEGREES)
# Spin the intake motor back to 0 degrees.
intake_motor.spin_to_position(0, DEGREES)
The motor.set_velocity(velocity, units)
command is used to set the speed of a motor.
This is a non-waiting command and allows any subsequent commands to execute without delay.
To use this command, replace motor
with the desired motor or motor group, for example: intake_motor_group.set_velocity(velocity, units)
Objects |
Description |
Spins Snapshot’s Intake to pick up Discs from the Field. |
Raises or lowers Snapshot’s Arm. |
Parameters |
Description |
velocity |
The speed that the IQ Motor will spin at, ranging from -100 to 100. |
units |
The unit for the Motor’s velocity, |
Returns: None.
def main():
# Set the intake motor velocity to 75 percent.
intake_motor.set_velocity(75, PERCENT)
# Spin the intake motor to 180 degrees.
intake_motor.spin_to_position(180, DEGREES)
The motor.set_timeout(value, units)
command is used to set a time limit for a motor’s movement commands.
This prevents motion commands that do not reach their intended position from preventing subsequent commands from running.
This is a non-waiting command and allows any subsequent commands to execute without delay.
To use this command, replace motor
with the desired motor or motor group, for example: intake_motor_group.set_timeout(value, units)
Objects |
Description |
Spins Snapshot’s Intake to pick up Discs from the Field. |
Raises or lowers Snapshot’s Arm. |
Parameters |
Description |
value |
The amount of time the motor will wait before stopping. |
units |
The unit for the Motor’s timer, |
Returns: None.
def main():
# Set the intake motor's timeout to 2 seconds.
intake_motor.set_timeout(2, SECONDS)
# Spin the intake motor to 270 degrees.
intake_motor.spin_to_position(270, DEGREES)
is the same command as bumper.pressed(callback)
The command only uses Byte’s specific bumper sensor intake_bumper
to replace bumper
in the standard command.
is the same command as bumper.released(callback)
The command only uses Byte’s specific bumper sensor intake_bumper
to replace bumper
in the standard command.
is the same command as eye.object_detected(callback)
The command only uses Byte’s Optical Sensor front_optical
to replace eye
in the standard command.
is the same command as eye.object_lost(callback)
The command only uses Byte’s Optical Sensor front_optical
to replace eye
in the standard command.
The motor.is_done()
command is used to return a True or False value if the selected motor has completed its movement.
To use this command, replace motor
with the desired motor or motor group, for example: intake_motor_group.is_done()
Objects |
Description |
Spins Snapshot’s Intake to pick up Discs from the Field. |
Raises or lowers Snapshot’s Arm. |
Returns: This returns a Boolean value.
def main():
# Move the Arm so it doesn't block the Front Distance Sensor.
arm_motor.spin_to_position(1000, DEGREES)
# Wait until the arm_motor_group has finished moving.
if arm_motor.is_done():
# Print the distance from the Front Distance Sensor to the closest
# object in front of it.
The motor.is_spinning()
command is used to return a True or False value if the selected motor is moving.
To use this command, replace motor
with the desired motor or motor group, for example: intake_motor_group.is_spinning()
Objects |
Description |
Spins Snapshot’s Intake to pick up Discs from the Field. |
Raises or lowers Snapshot’s Arm. |
Returns: This returns a Boolean value.
# Example coming soon.
The motor.position(units)
command is used to return the current rotational position of the selected motor.
To use this command, replace motor
with the desired motor or motor group, for example: intake_motor_group.position(units)
Objects |
Description |
Spins Snapshot’s Intake to pick up Discs from the Field. |
Raises or lowers Snapshot’s Arm. |
Parameters |
Description |
units |
The unit of the returned value, |
Returns: This returns a numerical value.
def main():
# Print the current position of the intake_motor_group in degrees.
The motor.velocity(units)
command is used to return the current velocity of the selected motor.
To use this command, replace motor
with the desired motor or motor group, for example: intake_motor_group.velocity(units)
Objects |
Description |
Spins Snapshot’s Intake to pick up Discs from the Field. |
Raises or lowers Snapshot’s Arm. |
Parameters |
Description |
units |
The unit of the motor’s velocity, |
Returns: This returns a numerical value.
def main():
# Print the current velocity of the arm_motor_group.
is the same command as bumper.pressing()
The command only uses Byte’s specialized Bumper Sensor intake_bumper
to replace bumper
in the standard command.
For information on how to use the bumper.pressing()
command, go to its API documentation here.
The front_optical.near_object()
command is used to report a Boolean value if the Optical Sensor is close enough to an object to detect a color.
This is a non-waiting command and allows any subsequent commands to execute without delay.
Returns: This reports a Boolean value.
def main():
# Print if the Front Optical Sensor is detecting a color.
The front_optical.color())
command is used to return the color detected by a VEX IQ Optical Sensor.
This is a non-waiting command and allows any subsequent commands to execute without delay.
The following colors can be used as a comparison to the color detected by an IQ Optical Sensor:
Returns: This returns a Boolean value.
def main():
# Print the color of the object that the Front Optical Sensor sees.
The front_optical.brightness()
command is used to report the amount of light detected by a VEX IQ Optical Sensor within a range of 0 to 100 percent.
This is a non-waiting command and allows any subsequent commands to execute without delay.
Returns: This returns a numeric value.
def main():
# Print the brightness of the object in front of Byte.
The front_optical.brightness()
command is used to report the hue of the object detected by a VEX IQ Optical Sensor within a range of 0 to 359. This number represents the location of the detected color on a color wheel.
This is a non-waiting command and allows any subsequent commands to execute without delay.
Returns: This returns a numeric value.
def main():
# Print the hue of the object in front of Byte.
brain.screen.print("Hue: ", optical.hue())