Field Details#

The V5RC Virtual Skills - Tipping Point Playground occupies an area measuring 3.65 meters (about 12 feet) long and 3.65 meters (about 12 feet) wide.

Top-down view of the V5RC Virtual Skills - Tipping Point Playground field layout with dimensions and game elements.

The field is 6 full tiles long and 6 full tiles wide.



V5RC Virtual Skills Tipping Point Playground field layout with dimensions and starting configurations for robot placement.

Each tile on the Field measures 600 mm by 600 mm.

Game Elements#

The Field has one Game Element, Triballs.

Game Element


Amount on Field

Image of a ring used in the V5RC Virtual Skills - Tipping Point Playground, showing its dimensions and design.

Rings have a maximal outer diameter of 4.125” (104.8mm) and a minimal inner diameter of 2” (50.8mm)


Field Starting Configurations#

The V5RC Virtual Skills - Tipping Point Playground has access to a starting configuration window to customize your robot’s starting conditions before running your code.

V5RC Virtual Skills - Tipping Point Playground field layout with starting configurations for robot placement.

There are 4 total starting locations you can choose to start your robot from, labeled A through D. By default, the robot starts on position B.

There are 4 total starting angles you can choose for your robot, so you can start facing a desired target.

You can also choose whether or not you want to preload your robot with any rings or not. Remember that you can only preload 2 rings on one side of your robot.