Robot Details#

The V5RC Virtual Skills - Tipping Point Playground uses the standard VEX V5 Hero Bot, Moby.

The Moby VEX V5 Hero Bot measures approximately 350 millimeters long and 280 millimeters wide.


Motor Groups#

Moby is equipped with one Motor Group for its Forks.

Configuration &
Python Command Name


API Documentation

Fork Motor Group for Moby robot, showing mechanism to raise and lower forks for transporting rings and mobile goals.
Fork Motor Group

The Forks can be raised and lowered. This allows the robot to transport and score Rings and Mobile Goals. The Fork Motor Group’s default position is 0 degrees, and will be lowered towards the ground at 1700 degrees.

Blocks - Python


Moby has access to the following sensors for autonomous coding:



API Documentation

Python Command Name

Brain Timer

The Robot has access to a built-in timer.

Blocks - Python



The Robot has access to a Drivetrain with a built-in Inertial Sensor to track the Robot’s current heading and angle of rotation.

Blocks - Python


Left/Right Distance

Can detect when a ring or rings are loaded onto the Left/Right Fork, or how far away the Left/Right Fork is from a ring.

Blocks - Python


Center Distance

Can detect how far a Mobile Goal or Ring is from the center of Moby.

Blocks - Python


Bumper Switch

Can detect when a Mobile Goal is between the Forks and can be picked up.

Blocks - Python



Reports if an object is close to the center of Moby and what the object’s color is.

Blocks - Python



Reports the current X and Y position of the center of rotation of Moby in millimeters or inches. The GPS Sensor can also report the current heading in degrees.

The GPS sensor relies on the Cartesian Coordinate system to navigate, with the middle of the field being (0, 0).

VEX V5 Hero Bot Moby with GPS sensor for navigation in the V5RC Tipping Point Playground.

Knowing the coordinates of game elements, like Mobile Goals, can also help you plan your projects in V5RC Tipping Point.

Diagram showing the Cartesian coordinates system for the VEX V5 Hero Bot, Moby, in the Tipping Point Playground.