Field Details#

The V5RC Virtual Skills - Spin Up Playground occupies an area measuring 3.65 meters (about 12 feet) long and 3.65 meters (about 12 feet) wide.

Top-down view of the V5RC Virtual Skills - Spin Up Playground field with grid measurements and game element layout.

The field is 6 full tiles long and 6 full tiles wide.



Illustration of the V5RC Virtual Skills - Spin Up Playground field layout with Triballs and starting configurations.

Each tile on the Field measures 600 mm by 600 mm.

Game Elements#

The Field has one Game Element, Triballs.

Game Element


Amount on Field


A yellow foam object that can be manipulated by Robots.


Field Starting Configurations#

The V5RC Virtual Skills - Spin Up Playground has access to a Pre-Match checklist to customize your robot’s starting conditions before running your code.

V5RC Virtual Skills - Spin Up Playground pre-match checklist with robot starting positions and disc preload options.

There are 10 total starting locations you can choose to start your robot from, labeled A through J. By default, the robot starts on position C.

You can also choose whether or not you want to preload your robot with 0, 1, or 2 Discs.